onsdag 29 maj 2013

My body & my liver

I'm so tired but since all the hard work is paying off, not only 

on the outside BUT also on the inside I got my ass to the gym.

 It took 7 months but man I am happy! I haven't had great 

results like this in years. I've always been working out etc but 

never had any great results & I always got really sick working 

out as often as I wanted to. But not anymore! 

No wonder I feel so damn good too ... happpyyy!

boyaaaa ! 

söndag 26 maj 2013

Blåmärken lite här och där ...

I find new brusies every day and falling over with my bike the other day didn't help, lol. My doctor said the reason is the prednisone and bloodthinner. Looking very pretty in shorts with brusied legs. No idea how I've hurt my foot though. Only hurts now and then. 

Well it beats all the scars I used to have (they are very pale now) and yucki rashes etc. 

It's almost 8pm and u know what. I am going to bed ... Zzzz 

I've got my bloodtests tomorrow morning & before lunch I am taking the puppies to the vet to get their vaccin, wish me luck with that haha. I need it!

Puppy love

I've been at my parents house most of the weekend. Been hanging out with the pups and went for a motorcycel ride yesterday with my dad. 

Again, sorry for the shitty blogging. I am so busy with school, the puppies, working out etc. 

My weekend in photos: 

torsdag 23 maj 2013


This is Vixis new little brother Vegas. He is 11weeks old and a GiantSchnauzer puppy. 

Yesterday & Today

SOOOOO busy .... ! so terrible blogging. Sorry! 

måndag 20 maj 2013

When I am down, come and pick me up

Z z z ... I fell asleep for 20 min too. 

instagram: johannasurvivor 

It's Monday ...

What can I say ... It's Monday. I am going crazy with my stupid school work. I thought that this course was going to be fun and easy ... yeah right. It's hell. 

söndag 19 maj 2013

Eat to grow

Rest - to recover. 
Eat - to grow 

Getting smaller &  getting bigger. 

Two rest days from the gym (my mucles need it), but I haven't been "resting" at all. Super busy so pretty bad at keeping up with the blog. But you know ... it's summer (!) so I am out and about basicly all the time. Probably the same with you guys :) 

Starting to eat some carbs again, potatooooeees! 

körde stenhårt benpass & mage i fredags. pust ... svettigt värre! 

IMORGON är det nya tag! Nytt upplägg, nytt träningsschema och lite ny kost! 

torsdag 16 maj 2013

Vroooom ... !

Not even trying ... my arms are so sore. 
Heavy ass workout yesterday (biceps) and today (shoulders)! 

Today was shoulder day at the gym. Wow, such a heavy workout and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it to the gym todaay. But yes I did! Late night workout :) This morning the mini and I went on a 5km PW with Ulrica, always lovely to see her! Then I've been trying to study but the last couple of days have been slow. I will do better tomorrow! Before I went to the gym I was out with my dad and his new motorcykel, that thing is fast. So windy today though! No fun at all during higher speeds. It's 22:13 and I am beat! I have a feeling I am going to fall asleep in two secs. So I better go get ready for bed. Sweet dreams! 

Rise & shine

Rise & shine! Have a lovely day ya'll ... tomorrow is Friday! Where did this week go? :) 

YES I CAN ... can u? 

onsdag 15 maj 2013

Strikt & hälsosam kost

Oftast när jag handlar numera vill jag ta min tid, inte stressa osv. Verkligen fundera på vad jag ska handla och behöver. Några saker jag alltid har hemma är ägg, kyckling, fisk (lax el torsk), flera burkar tonfisk, finncrisp, avokado, kalkonskivor, riskakor m.m. 

Min mage klarar inte av fett och inte heller för mycket socker (helst inget alls). Därför dricker jag alltid light och äter light produkter. Jag hatar att äta ute, då jag tycker det är väldigt begränsat när man har allergier och inte klarar av att äta det som finns. Så jag försöker att undvika det. Tidigare har jag tagit en cola light och en chokladboll men numera får jag t.om. ont i magen av en liten chokladboll. Visst den innehåller ju margarin och socker men det brukar gå bra. Inte nu. 

Från och med nu gäller det att jag håller min kost ännu striktare. Detta är för att inte få så där djävulskt ont i magen eller behöva springa på dass 20 ggr om dagen. Inte så kul precis. Har slarvat den senaste veckan av och till och ätit socker. Dvs. choklad eller godis. (känner mig svullen, öm och fet). Fett äter jag aldrig, i så fall i väldigt, väldigt små mängder och "bra fetter".   Men nej det funkar verkligen inte. Får världens magknip och får springa på toa. Hur mysigt och skönt är det? Inte värt det och sen att jag får ångest efter hjälper inte precis. Mår på riktigt dåligt över att jag gav in till sötsuget och istället får ont i magen. Va fan är det för fel. 

Nej. Nu jäklar säger jag bara! Ska ta hand om min mage & kropp ännu bättre. 

Food food and more food

Yesterday I went grocery shopping after the gym with U . A LOT of food. Filled up my fridge and freezer. So last night and today has been food prep. Got some sweet potatoe and chicken in the oven right now. It's all about preparation. 

Late last night I boiled some codd with ginger, garlic, salt & peppar. Had the codd with 2 egg whites for lunch today .. and a glass of lemon water of course. Codd is really easy and healthy to make! 

Yawn ... I am soooo tired. Been yet another long & busy day :) 

tisdag 14 maj 2013

Turn your scars into stars

late night ab workout last night. considering I had my ab muscles and nerves completely cut off 7 months ago it's pretty awesome that I have a lot of muscles under that thick layer of fat haha. 

Health & lifestyle Monday

 - Started my day with bloodtests - Spent hours studying - snack before workout - Mondays workout with A - watched one of the best crime shows last night.