Yesterday and today I have had a really bad headache. Like really darn painful. Painkillers (aspirin) not helping one bit. It was fine this morning, but by lunch time my head felt like it was going to explode again. I've had these headaches now and then since the transplant.

This could be because of my high blood pressure, which is probably caused by the steroids (kortisonet) . I've always had really low blood pressure like my grandma and mother. But, since a few weeks after the transplant it's been pretty high. It went down to normal for a bit but then a few weeks ago it's been high again. I've agreed with the doctor though to wait a few weeks to see if it goes down with the steroids. I will ask the nurse to check it on Monday though just so it hasn't gone up anymore.
(Biverkningar uppträder främst vid långtidsbehandling men beror också på dosstorlek och individuell känslighet. Man ska alltid kontakta läkare om man får besvärande reaktioner. Vanliga biverkningar är vätskeansamling, högt blodtryck, påverkan på binjurebarkens hormonutsöndring, hudförtunning, försämrad sårläkning, rubbning i saltbalansen i form av för hög natriumhalt eller för låg kaliumhalt, för hög sockerhalt i blod och urin, benskörhet och muskelförtvining. Kortisonets förmåga att hämma kroppsvävnadernas reaktioner mot inflammationer och infektioner kan medföra att infektioner blossar upp på nytt och att lokala begränsade infektioner sprids. Sällsynta biverkningar är godartad tryckökning i skallen, benröta och senbristning. Källa:
On a more positive note the shaking has been better today. Sure, still shaky but it hasn't been as bad. I had a really good work-out this morning. Probably the best in a while! I can finally see some change in my body as well. I have been feeling really swollen and well "big" cause of the steroids so I am very excited to see what will happen now that it's down to half. My whole body is getting a lot stronger, even getting some strong abs. Nice to see I am not doing all this hard work for nothing.
From instagram : "All the hard work is finally paying off. I knew that the surgery would change my tummy and body, & since I haven't done any ab work-outs for 10months I have a long way back but I am getting there My goal is for the scar not to show". Love Johanna