tisdag 12 februari 2013

Whispers in the dark

ALAT is finally looking better. Down to 0,92. Had to lower my prograf dose yet again (it was at 8,6 which is to high) Weird how it can still go up when we lower the dose. Now I take 4mg in the morning and 3mg in the evening. Before that I took 4,5 + 4mg. 

I think I might be getting a cold again (I hope not though as I don't have time to be sick). Last time it never really "broke out" I more or less just felt a bit under the weather. My mum and brother have both been sick. I'm starting to cough and I have a bit of a sore throat like my brother. Feel out of breath after walking up the stairs, not normal. Fingers crossed it's nothing serious. I just need to let my body rest once again. 

Can't wait for February and this bloody flue season to be over! Not good for a weak (or basicly non-existing) immunesystem.

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej Johanna,

    jag såg ditt inlägg under min krönika på ung cancer. Vad glad jag blir när du skriver att du han få din transplantation. Pappa skulle vara donator till Elin och hade gått igenom flertalet undersökningar redan under hösten, men huddinge ville inte ta en levande donator och det drog ut på tiden. När dom väl beslutade sig för att godkänna pappa, så var det försent. Hoppas att du mår bra idag och lyckats anpassa dig till det nya livet. Massa kramas från Sara

