tisdag 12 mars 2013

I'm just working really hard

- 4km PW with the pup, dropped her off at mums work and headed to the gym.

- Sick workout today! 1,5 h biceps & shoulders. Nons-stop. Minimini "breaks" . At one point though I had to sit down for a few min because I was shaking so bad. I can't explain how good it feels to be back. Just what I needed. I feel so much happier and pumped after a trip to the gym.

- Nice to see that my muscles haven't completely vanished, actually I felt stronger today than I have in a long while. 3 weeks of rest might have been good after all. Stepping it up now though. Time for those tiny little biceps to grow and for the rest of me to shrink. Need to get rid of some fat to make the muscles more visible. Yesbox.

- I am not taking any protein powder anymore, neither am I eating quark. Back with lactosefree stuff and just eating a lot of protein like chicken etc. No pasta, white bread, rice or potatoes. Chicken, fish, veggies etc. So these muscles are just growing because of really hard work and I am trying to get my diet back on track. But sometimes that craving for sugar is just a right pain in the ... you know what. and I feel really sick and crap after eating sugar so I really shouldn't. But sometimes my mind is too weak

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