söndag 31 mars 2013

Bring out the guns

Äntligen, äääntligen .. är det 1 april imorgon!
Dags att börja deffa. Oh yes. Så jag har längtat, och jag är så ruggiiigt taggad!!

VARJE DAG:timme - högintensivträning på gym. 1,5timme - cardio alt. PW
INGET godis, socker, fika, fett, proteinrik kost, mycket grönsöker osv.  alltså så kommer det vara som jag redan har kört de senaste månaderna fast nu är det oerhört strikt! håller mig fortf. borta från potatis, ris och pasta. Magen och jag mår bättre då. Inget bröd, enbart finncrisp alt. en knäckemacka för variation. Jag kommer även köra på inget kaffe, enbart te. PepsiMax enbart på helgerna, hur nu detta ska gå ... Haha.

sen minus minst 500kcal / dag.


Träning & kost den närmaste månaden kommer att vara prio nr 2. Nr 1 är självklart studierna. Men eftersom jag numera är student kan jag anpassa träning kring det. Allt annat dock kommer att hamna in the back seat. I am on a mission. 

Mitt mål är att bli deffad, få fram alla muskler jag kämpat för. Få bort fett. Skulle behöva gå ner 15 kg  men inget jag förväntar mig ska ske på 1månad precis. Men, det är en start. Jag har inte heller något mål för hur mycket jag vill gå ner på 1månad, detta är mer ett experiment för att se hur min kropp reagerar. Sen att jag ska komma in i en god rutin att inte äta socker tex. eftersom jag mår riktigt dåligt då, pga. min UC. Fet mat är redan ett big nono.

Wish me luck!

Efter 1 hel dags vila & checka in the vain på armen. Oh yeah. Kom igen. Bättre skare bli! 


Mor & Pix kom förbi nu på e.m. Kikade Criminal Minds. Man I love that show. It gives me the creeps but it is still awesome. Verkligen inte gjort någonting idag. Tvättar och tvättar. Vill få undan all tvätt. Måste ha rena träningskläder. Går åt som smör i solsken. På tal om solen, dags för en prommis

Happy Easter

- hade sleepover med minigrisen i helgen - tränade ... surprise surprise - finn ett fel på korven - trampade ner på stan med A igår för fika med vänner & lite shopping - Fest. 

Ingen påskmat för min del. På måndag dvs. tomorrow ... börjar deff! Woop. 

Slow the f down ...

Don't you worry. I'm still here. 

This weekend has been crazy busy. Today I am doing nothing. I need to let my body rest. I was a bitch on wheels yesterday. Everything just went wrong. Spilled coffee all over my living room table and carpet, right before Nicole got here. Seriously? Like I had time for that. NO. Last night for the first time my body was telling me to slow the f**k down and chill. So today I am doing just that. Might go for a loong walk though. Like who can resist this beautiful weather? Not me .

torsdag 28 mars 2013

Natural energy boost

Letting my body re-charge & rest from the gym today. So I am just doing some "abs-attack" at home. Started of the day with a 1h long PW this morning with Pix. 

I can't get enough of this weather. Natural energy boost. 

Keep on smiling

I love the feeling of happiness. Don't you

onsdag 27 mars 2013

Helvete vad veckan går fort ...

Imoorgon är det redan Torsdag. Say whaaat. Det har varit full rulle den här veckan, kommer vara så tills på måndag. OM jag har tur. Då kanske jag kan ta en mini paus. Fast, jag gillar att hålla igång, ha mycket att göra. Många bollar i luften så att säga. Tränat typ varje dag, eller inte typ. Jag har tränat varje dag. Idag var det ben. Åh. Underbart benpass. Ökade på allt. Är mycket starkare än jag tror. Alltid  kul. Fortfarande inte bestämt mig om jag ska vila imorgon eller inte. Undrar hur gymmet har öppet under påsk ... måste ta reda på detta! 

Lite bilder från de denaste dagarna kommer här, instagram: johannaeliza. 

- trött liten snusse - prommis i Irsta idag med U - gårdagens lunch & middag (helt beroende av avokado , som att ni inte märkt det hah) - min högra vad är såå spänd. lite kramp? ba kör, kör ba. 

måndag 25 mars 2013

Liksom helt besatt typ

Började dagen med provtagning. Som vanligt på måndagar. Sedan traskade jag iväg till gymmet på Bellevue. Körde ben & rygg. Gick bra med fossingen. Jag är nöjd.  Handlade lite mat, typ grönt & pepsi max.  
Städat, tvättat, bakat bröd, haft A över på mat & tjejsnack. Diskat & vikt en massa tvätt. Hur kan en människa ha så mkt tvätt? För övrigt 90 % träningskläder. Konstigt? 

Okej, jag är helt besatt typ av SUITS. Typ lika bad ass som moi. 

Ska ringa Karolinska imorgon bitti. Förhoppningsvis kan de få min oro, men framför allt min frustration att försvinna. Det är liksom inte kul längre. Som att det någonsin har varit roligt med onormala provsvar? I don't think so. Nä. Men jag ska gå och lägga mig nu. Lyssna på Nashville. Tuta & kör. 

söndag 24 mars 2013

That time of the week

Booooom ... !

- Started of the day with a couple of hours down town, shopping with the folks. Then after lunch I walked to the gym, shoulders/abs/biceps for a couple of hours. 

Woke up so sore this morning. Love it. Means I worked hard enough. If I don't feel sore the day after I didn't work hard enough and I'm not happy. Träningsvärk är bästa känslan. 

Boooom ... ! 

Letting my poor ol' shoulders rest for a couple of days now. Leg day tomorrow. Fingers crossed my foot will be alright. Would workout tonight but thinking it might need to rest. PW instead. 

Time for a  finncrisp with Turkey and some cleaning, jäsp, while istening to Nashville soundtrack on Spotify.

lördag 23 mars 2013

Köttbullar ala Johanna

When you have nothing else to do on a Saturday night, why not make some meatballs for the first time ever? Google and baaam ... this is what they look like. They taste even better. I promise. 

Meatballs with a loot of garlic and feta cheese. Delicious. 

My blonde little brain is working hard ... this is some high tech stuff.

Vad gör ni en lördag kväll? Själv kommer jag spendera min kväll på gymmet. Surprise, surprise. I am so pumped, new workout pants, sportsbra & vest.  Right on. I am however considering to walk to the gym now, when it's nice and sunny. Then just chill for the rest of the evening. Might do that instead hmm ... decisions decisions!

OH and a watch. One of those that has 12 functions : clock, calories , heartrate , alarm stopwatch etc. Trying to see how it works right now. Very high tech, lol. 

DONE and done. I am off to the gym. Fav workout today. Biceps and shoulders baby ! 

Snack attack

Carrot & cucumber sticks with turkishyoghurt &  tacospice (made way to much dip though, oops)

fredag 22 mars 2013

January vs. March

Had some fun today and looked back a couple of months, at photos taken in January. The best way to see progress is to take photos.

It's like I am blind to my own progress and improvement. But I am def. getting and feeling stronger/tighter. I am finally getting some ass. Slow progress but I can def. feel a big difference. If I don't feel sore after a work out I didn't work hard enough. Today was back / shoulders / biceps.

My foot is still aching. But I can walk on it, walked 6km yesterday. However, I need to try and let it rest so it doesn't get worse. Easier said than done. 

" Trött på att börja om hela tiden?" 
"Kasta aldrig in handduken. Använd den till
att torka svett. Sen fortsätter du".
"Dröm inte om ditt mål. Jobba för det istället".
"Smärtan du känner idag, blir din styrka imorgon". 


sluta slappa!

(slutaslappa @ instagram). 

Girl talk & gossip

Been hanging out with U all afternoon. Fun as always! We can talk about everything & anything. 

One of those shitty days

I förrgår var en riktig skitdag. Stukade fossingen på vägen till gymmet och när jag ska kila hemåt ser jag  att själva hälen på skon har lossnat från sulan. Inte så jäkla konstigt att jag fått ont när jag går med dojjorna. Nej. Jag blev så förbannad. Men, var till dinsko igår. Fick pengarna tillbaka. Tur att vintern är på väg bort (säger jag när det är -7 grader ute och snöstorm) hah! Vilket skämt

torsdag 21 mars 2013

A little sprain

Managed to sprain my ancle yesterday (ouch!) on the way to the gym. So frustrating! It feels a little bit better today though. So I am heading out for a long walk with Pix. I need to move. 

tisdag 19 mars 2013

I feel like a machine

Yesterdays work-out. PW and arms/back. Also did some legs just so they wouldn't get stiff. I'm thinking leg workout tomorrow oh and cardio, now that I can kind of walk like a normal person.

Sometimes I feel like a *beep* machine. After that I had to rush home to shower eat something and then I went grocery shopping with A. Had to get some more fuel for this machine, lol

Had my rest day today. Boring as hell. But that means I will have even more energy and will power for tomorrow morning at the gym. I also need to stop by the pharmacy to pick-up some meds. 

Tonight I am heading over to A's place, just to chill and hang out. Girl time. 

Nä men tjääna mukler. Kom igen kooom igen. 

Mini fyller år!

Happy 7th Birthday ! 

Tiden går så fort ... but she's always going to be my little puppy. 

söndag 17 mars 2013

Side effects post-transplant

The specific side effects vary. It depends on the combination of post-transplant medicines you use. Here's a general list of some of the side effects you might have.
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Puffy face
  • Anemia
  • Arthritis
  • Weakened bones
  • Increased appetite
  • Weight gain
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Mood swings
  • Swelling and tingling of the hands and feet
  • Acne and other skin problems
  • Tremors
  • Hair loss or unwanted hair growth

Nice huh? I've experienced all of these ide effects. Still have a lot of them. But, it's not like I have a choice. You learn to deal with it. Even if it sometimes gets on my nerves. Maybe that just the mood swings ? Haha.

Att jag inte stupade är ett mirakel

2h sömn , ingen lunch , vill kräkas upp all mat och en Astma som bara jävlas i detta väder. 

Skit bra. Då försöker man sig på att jogga 2,5an på Björnön. Pallade halva. Sen vägen hem från Anna. Trodde jag skulle kolavippen. Det är ingen hemlis att mina kondis är säääämst! Har inte joggat på över 1,5 år !!! Men, jag är Annas PT när det gäller kosten. Hon är min PT när det gäller kondisen. Bra deal där. 1 APRIL då kör vi igång på riktigt. Ska bli så jevla kul! 

"Vilat" resten av dagen. Lyckades sova middag 2h. Härligt. 



1 APRIL. Då smäller det
jag är så ruggigt taggad.

MER OM vad som händer 1april kmr den 1april. Whoopidoo. 

5 träningspass denna vecka. x antal mil, PW. Tiiimmar på gymmet OCH har visst gått ner 3kg den här veckan. Hejåhå. Inte så pjåkigt ändå! 

lördag 16 mars 2013

Starka små själar

Kan inte sova. Så sjukt trött. Men ändå inte. 

Kollar på BARNLÄKARNA på svtplay. Jag är inte en känslosam person, men inte ens jag kan hålla tillbaka tårarna. Stackars barn. Stackars familjer. Jag var iaf vuxen och fattade vad jag gick igenom. Kunde kämpa på ett annat sätt. Nej fyfan. Starka små själar. 

Walking like a penguin

FB: "Beautiful weather & Saturday! ☀ Day after leg day Best thing to do is stay active, so I'm going to waddle to the gym".

fredag 15 mars 2013

Welcome back you sexy ...

Today in photos, from instagram: johannalever

- walked to the parents, cleaned their whole house, I am so thankful for my big enough home haha - gym with U for an hour or so, really fun - I wasn't satisfied with the workout though so I headed to my gym and crushed some shoulders and biceps. 

I AM SOOO SORE now. Walking like an old lady. Awesome feeling though and over all a really good day. Happy happyy.  21:10 and I am off to bed haha. Exausted. 

No meds for tomorrow morning so I have to sort out the weekly meds tomorrow at 07:00. I really don't feel like doing it right now. But I bet I'll regret that tomorrow morning haha. 

You there, yes you ..

torsdag 14 mars 2013

She's waiting for you

Instagram: johannalever

"This is how I feel today too. Tired & my body is soo sore after leg day, aahh yes ! "rest" day today. Boring".

6,5 km PW yesterday, to & from the gym. Then 1,5h legs & some back/abs. I have a hard time working out less than 1,5h, sometimes I work out for 2h/2,5h. Like on a Friday night in an empty gym. 

Was sorting out some things and cleaning up a  bit at home. Found the pup in her bed on the couch. Adorable. 

She's waiting for U , who should be here soon. Going to watch a movie and have some sticky chocolate  cake cupcakes.  

onsdag 13 mars 2013

Ready for school

Ready for school in a few weeks. Now I just have to get this whole CSN thing done. That will be the thing to do tomorrow. Then U is stopping by. 

After a 6km PW and  leg day at the gym I am sooo tired. I'll write more tomorrow. Night ya'll 

tisdag 12 mars 2013

I'm just working really hard

- 4km PW with the pup, dropped her off at mums work and headed to the gym.

- Sick workout today! 1,5 h biceps & shoulders. Nons-stop. Minimini "breaks" . At one point though I had to sit down for a few min because I was shaking so bad. I can't explain how good it feels to be back. Just what I needed. I feel so much happier and pumped after a trip to the gym.

- Nice to see that my muscles haven't completely vanished, actually I felt stronger today than I have in a long while. 3 weeks of rest might have been good after all. Stepping it up now though. Time for those tiny little biceps to grow and for the rest of me to shrink. Need to get rid of some fat to make the muscles more visible. Yesbox.

- I am not taking any protein powder anymore, neither am I eating quark. Back with lactosefree stuff and just eating a lot of protein like chicken etc. No pasta, white bread, rice or potatoes. Chicken, fish, veggies etc. So these muscles are just growing because of really hard work and I am trying to get my diet back on track. But sometimes that craving for sugar is just a right pain in the ... you know what. and I feel really sick and crap after eating sugar so I really shouldn't. But sometimes my mind is too weak

måndag 11 mars 2013

The greatest gift of all. Life.

Sometimes, like just a few minutes ago. It hits me.

That I have something inside of me that doesn't

really belong to me.
It belonged to someone that isn't laughing, smiling,
loving and living anymore. 

He or she is gone, forever, dead.

And his or her family is missing a young
member of their family.
Someone is missing their best friend.

I don't really know how to describe how I feel

when I start thinking about it. It doesn't upset me.
It doesn't make me cry, angry or scared.

I guess it makes me think about how short life is.

How grateful I am to be alive. 

But still ... it is a very strange feeling, that no one,

unless you go through the same thing, will ever

Like the first time I had to have an ultrasound

here in my hometown.
They realized they had nothing to compare the

liver to. As this was the first time we saw it
on the screen. 
All my old xrays are rubbish.
My old liver doesn't exist anymore.

Neither does my angel. My donor. 

But he or she gave me life, when it
was their time to go.

You were a thief

"Right from the start
You were a thief
You stole my heart
And I, your willing victim

I let you see the parts of me
That weren't all that pretty
And with every touch you fixed them".

Hospital visit

Had my doctors visit this morning. Tests looked good today. Nothing really to talk about except that I finally look really healthy, alert and well. Last time, a little over a month ago I was not feeling or looking great. Blood pressure was normal, so don't really know why I have been feeling a big light headed recently. Oh and my hair falling out she thought was because the quality of the hair that grew out during the time I was really sick or just after the transplant wasn't the best. It should get better, again .. So fingers crossed. I have noticed that I am not loosing just as much as a month ago, but still ... I would prefer to keep my blonde hair please. I don't really have anything to complain about these days, just the hair thing. The shaking isn't that bad. Well,  sure it still has its moments. 

Next visit will be in May or so. I will keep on going in for tests every week until beg. of April. Then it's twice / month.